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Our Work



Literacy and language courses

We run free weekly literacy and English courses ranging from literacy to CEF B1 (pre-intermediate), both in person and online. All our teachers have TEFL/CELTA and/or a pedagogical qualification, as well as many combined years of experience working in humanitarian fields.


Women only courses

We also offer classes run by women for women. Migrant mothers are an especially vulnerable and marginalised group in Malta and are often left behind. By providing free childcare during lesson time, we ensure they have the chance they deserve to learn and take part in community activities.

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IT & Tech

We run various courses on basic and helpful everyday IT skills like how to navigate Google drives and improve proficiency in gmail, docx and sheets using a smartphone. Bearing in mind many of our students do not own or have access to tablets or laptops, these courses help them access the digital world and make the most of the technology they have available.


Literacy and Language Videos

As much of the literacy material available on the web is made for young children, we produce and publish short literacy and language tutorials on YouTube aimed at teens and adults. These can be used by teachers as part of a lesson, or learners can watch and practice in their own time and at their own pace to complement their course. Check out our YouTube channel here.

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Country factsheets

We produce country factsheets that provide transparency regarding critical political and cultural issues which drive migration, and highlight education and literacy, or severe lack thereof in some cases.


Ebook "Instant English"

The ebook "Instant English" was written by our fourteen year old volunteer, Asiya. It has five helpful units with 200+ words of English vocabulary, phrases, images and exercises to help students master daily English. Translations into Arabic, Ukrainian, and Spanish, are included - the most frequent first languages of BDE students.

Download your free copy here.

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